Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This is less a post on culture, music, books, etc... and more of a question. It is slightly rhetorical, but I mean it all the same.

How, when on a child, does this -

End up coming across like this -

Maggie could be decked out in pink. Pink sandals with flowers, a pink shirt with flowers, and pink stretch pants, and yet someone inevitably makes the comment, "It's a beautiful boy!" or a passing question: "Look at him run, how old is he?" Inwardly I call down all sorts of curses upon them for blaspheming the sex of my firstborn... outwardly I smile and say politely, "She's almost 15 months," or "She's a little girl, and she is certainly beautiful!" I think that we're beyond the stage when one could be befuddled by her lack of hair (She is wearing pink and carrying a dolly called Tana). So, what is this silliness? Why does this happen? If anyone has any tidbit of political correctness or cultural awareness that they'd like to bestow upon an overly indignant father, please do.

Oh, and the new Wilco album is summer. Not like summer or sounds like summer, but IS summer. Enjoy.

Wilco w/ Fiest - You and I

1 comment:

  1. Jake I completely understand your peeve. My father almost punched a man (well not quite, but spoke disdainfully of him for the rest of the day) for calling Veronica a boy.

    I think I found only older people mistaking Veronica for a boy even when she was decked out in pink, color blind I guess.

